Turn your Green to Gold with Independent Research Company, Rosa S Raskin and Associates, LLC
Released on: June 2, 2008, 5:59 pm
Press Release Author: Rosa Raskin
Industry: Small Business
Press Release Summary: With over 25 years of experience, we provide excellent research and information services, and customized value-added benefits for small business owners.
Our extensive information retrieval expertise and state-of-the-art technologies provide companies, trade associations, and individuals with data needed to enhance their strategic plan, increase their bottom line, and envision eco-friendly solutions for innovations in product design.
Press Release Body: Highland Heights, Ohio - Are you or your customers interested in green technology? Information specialist Rosa Raskin suggests you take the leap and obtain the information you need to "go green" from Rosa S. Raskin & Associates, LLC.
Raskin provides data needed to enhance your current processes and products while, increasing your bottom line, identifying new prospects, and product innovations as you proceed to ecologically-friendly, emerging technologies to increase your profits.
A goal many envision is to "keep it green", one advantage of powder coatings, for example. From the chemical industry to the food industry, the goal is to conserve our natural resources. Customers are interested in supporting eco-friendly products and processes.
Raskin creates web portals and has one for those interested in the movement to use cleaner technologies and promote energy efficiency at http://www.raskinfo.com/green.html
Do you have a tough question? Raskin thrives on them. She has a unique background in materials, the natural, chemical, and environmental sciences. She can help you scope out either "the big picture" or a very specialized area of business information.
Raskin's research services? Individuals, trade associations, companies that do not have resource centers, and companies with resource centers needing help with comprehensive research projects, especially those interested in moving to more environmentally-friendly options, are included as Raskin's clients.
How does the research service work? E-mail or call Raskin with your question or idea and she will respond with a solution for a reasonable mutually agreed upon fee and customized value-added benefits.
You, your prospects, and customers will benefit from cutting-edge information that will enhance your loyal customer base and increase your profits.
Raskin delivers prompt discoveries to you in your preferred format including, e-mail, a personal web page, snail mail, or fax.
Go to http://www.raskinfo.com to download a free brochure.
In a global economy, timely information is the key to success and ensures your lead.
Contact Raskin with your questions at 440-461-4125 and become a gold star.
Web Site: http://www.raskinfo.com
Contact Details: Rosa Raskin, M.S., M.L.S. Address: 451 Lassiter Drive, Highland Heights, Ohio, 44143 U.S.A. Phone: 440-461-4125 E-mail: rosa@raskinfo.com